Monthly Archives: April 2011

Huffing and Puffing

Our Pudgy Pug

With the temperature steadily creeping ever higher, Pablo has been struggling on his walks, dragging his puggy paws and stopping every few feet to pant up a storm. Even indoors he continues to pant. All winter we’ve been going on long hikes through the neighborhood, some as long as an hour, so it can’t be his stamina.

With summer around the corner, this does not bode well for the upcoming months. Hot and muggy weather is an enemy to all pugs, but I don’t remember last year his breathing being quite so bad, especially not this early in the year. The difference is that over the winter Pablo has put on an extra pound or two or three. (Haven’t we all.) So now he has that extra weight to lug around.

Of course, the less he moves the more weight he’ll gain, so I want to nip this in the bud. Therefore, a diet is in order. K and I have vowed to stop feeding him treats throughout the day. I now eat my breakfast and lunch up in my office where I won’t be bothered by his begging or tempted to feed him to stop his whining. At dinnertime, I dole out his dry food kibble by kibble as K and I eat. Before, he was getting fed scraps at the table plus his usual meal. I hope this approach works and the scale starts to go down. Otherwise, liposuction might well be the next step.


Filed under health

Stonehedge Hare

Pablo had a wonderful Easter, even though he didn’t receive a basket filled with goodies. His sister did, and seeing E and sharing in her fun was enough for this selfless critter. He also enjoyed handouts of hard-boiled eggs and baked ham at the table. Not to mention his own Frosty Paws during mealtime to keep him occupied.

But Easter wasn’t all about the food. In the morning we went on a long walk and took in all the pretty flowers and trees now in bloom. We stopped to admire the rabbit-shaped hedge a few blocks from out house. Who knew Edward Scissorshands lived in the neighborhood!


Filed under Happy holidays, Neighborhood sightings

Massage Your Dog’s Weary Bones

copyright New York Times

For the past few months both K and I have noticed that Pablo is a little stiff when he gets up from a snooze, not surprising since he just turned ten. After he’s up and about, he’s fine. And he still enjoys our hour-long walks in the morning. Still, his stiffness concerns me and I wish there was a way to ease his discomfort. Well, maybe there is.

Today’s New York Times had an article on massage for dogs and how it’s becoming all the rage, with dog owners even taking classes to learn the finer points on giving their pooches the ultimate rubdown. One woman interviewed specifically mentioned that she massages her collie to help ease his arthritis.

Of course, the experts are divided on the subject. But isn’t that always the case? Some say massage is no better than petting. Others are willing to allow that it can be beneficial and can help an animal “recover from illness, injuries, and stress.”

So do I try massage with Pablo or not? Judging by the blissful, contented look on the dog above, it might be worth a try. But since I can’t see laying out mega bucks on lessons, maybe a book is the way to go. And of course a number of such titles exist, Canine Massage: A Practical Guide being one of them. Or I might go the DVD route. I’ll keep you posted.


Filed under health

Pablo’s Thank You Letter to His Gammy

Dear Grandma,

Thank you for coming to my birthday party last Thursday. And thank you for my presents! I loved the Happy Birthday biscuit. I would have gobbled it up by now, but a Certain Someone insists on doling it out in little bits each day. Maybe you could have a talk with her…..?

The Dog Toy from Hell

The spiffy new puzzle you got me also gets me treats. Except it’s a little hard for me. It’s not that I’m a dope, Grandma! You see, my mouth just isn’t big enough to lift off the lids the way you’re supposed to. I try and try, because I know that a yummy treat’s inside.

And I’m resourceful, Grandma. I am! I knock it around and bang it with my paws until a lid pops open. Sometimes I make so much noise I can hardly hear the big folks screaming at me to stop it already. So Grandma, once again,your plan worked! You present is driving those guys nuts and it’s getting me more treats than before. I love you, Grandma!

Your very smart grandpug,


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Filed under Canine intelligence, pugs

The Birthday Bash

As promised, here are photos from Pablo’s 10th birthday party. The little guy had a swell time with all the attention. (What pug doesn’t?) He pigged out to his heart’s content and loved all his presents. And like many a birthday boy, he overindulged and had a hard time settling down once bedtime arrived.

To toast his birthday meal I bought Pablo a bottle of Bowser Beer (non-alcoholic, folks!) and poured him a cupful. He sniffed it, lapped up a snoutful, and turned his back to it, preferring to beg for table scraps, as per usual. Sorry, Bowser Beer, your product doesn’t cut it with Pablo. And am I glad I didn’t buy the six pack at a cost of $24!!!!

Here are some more photos from our celebration:

Look what a pug has to go through to get a piece of birthday biscuit!

Singing Happy Birthday to Pablo

Birthday stash!

At last!


Filed under Happy holidays, pugs

Happy 10th B-Day Pablo!!!!

Yes, folks, ten years ago today a little pug came into the world. I didn’t get to meet him until eight weeks later. When I did, I named him Pablo My Heart’s Desire, because he’s exactly that.

Tonight we’ll celebrate his special day with a birthday biscuit, a Frosty Paw treat, and lots of presents. Photos of of the festivities tomorrow!


Filed under Happy holidays, pugs

Happy First Year Blogoversary!!!!

Hard to believe, but it has been exactly one year since I started Confessions of a Pugophile.  And what a ride it’s been. Here are some highlights–and lowlights–from Pablo’s past year in no particular order. Enjoy!

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Filed under Happy holidays, pugs

Green Pug???

When you think of a green pug, you probably imagine one of our smushy-face friends dressed up in a Saint Patrick’s day outfit or one that is ecologically-minded like Puglet, the star of last year’s video “Green Pug Recycles.”

Bet you don’t picture a moth, though. In fact, the moth pictured to the left is a genuine Green Pug, a member of the Geometridae family. Go figure.

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Filed under Other critters, The ecological pug

What’s in a Name?

Photo courtesy of Mehgan Murphy, National Zoo

Okay, how strange is this! Our friends at the Smithsonian National Zoo gave a mother anteater three choices for her baby’s name: Fausto, Demetrio, and Pablo. Each name was placed next to a flowerpot that had a tasty treat tucked underneath. Mama Anteater chose the pot labeled Pablo, the one hiding a hard-boiled egg.

I didn’t opt for the flowerpot method when naming my little guy. If I had, I’m sure he would have upended all three pots and gobbled down the treats. Then his name would now be Pablo Fausto Demetrio. Quite the mouthful.

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Filed under This and That

The Essential Pug

Check out this pug-centric post from BuzzFeed. It’s a photographic list of Tom Ford’s 22 things every man needs to become a gentleman, as presented by our favorite smushed-faced canines.


Filed under Costumes, pugs