Monthly Archives: June 2014

Take Your Pug to Work Day!


Okay, so it’s Take Your Dog to Work Day. But in my house every weekday is Take Your Pug to Work. That’s because as I sit in my office pounding away at the keyboard Pablo is my faithful companion. As I type this he is at my feet, spread eagle on the floor inches from my chair. I have to remember he’s there or else I sometimes roll onto him. When I’ve done that a few times, he staggers to his paws and goes to his bed, pictured above.

A loyal assistant, he always manages to wake up at lunchtime to help me eat my sandwich. Then it’s back to the grind of getting in a full day’s sleep. When K returns from his job, Pablo is there to greet him. His work day complete, he follows K to the kitchen for a well-earned snack.



Filed under Happy holidays, Pugs in the news



Hmm. I see it’s been awhile since my last post. You’ll have to excuse me, I’ve been super busy with work projects. And, oh yeah, in April K and I went on a fabulous trip to England, sightseeing in London and Oxford and tootling around the countryside. I expected to see a ton of pugs in Merry Old England, but I spotted just one, wandering around on his own on the grounds of Christ Church in Oxford. I can only expect he belongs to some eccentric don who doesn’t believe in leashes.


I did see this charming coin box outside a store in an oh-so-quaint  village in the Cotswold. Who could refuse to toss in a couple of quid looking at that face?


Now that we’re back, and I’ve more or less gotten caught up with work, K and I took our favorite pug to the park to relax. For those of you interested in seeing an up-close view of Pablo’s dental work, here’s a view of one side of his mouth. The  other side has ever fewer teeth, believe it or not!

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Till next time, which hopefully won’t be as long!


Filed under Uncategorized