Sunday in the Park with Pablo

Okay, make that Saturday.

I recently learned about a dog park not too far from us (about a 10 minute drive) that opened in November. Since getting Pablo, we’ve never been near a conveniently-located dog park. When I lived in Jersey City, the local park kept promising one, but it never delivered. That meant that except for pug meet-ups, Pablo never had a chance to mingle off leash with his canine friends.

This dog park looks like it will fit the bill. It has two fenced in areas, one for large dog and one for the small guys. The only downside is that you do need a car to get there.

When K and I first arrived, Pablo was the lone dog. That soon changed. It was a bright, sunny day, and the dogs had a blast running around and chasing each other. Pablo, as one of  the smaller dogs was a little out of his league. But he had a grand time sniffing around and being petted and fussed over by the other dog owners (he prefers people to dogs anyway).

We will definitely be back!

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Filed under Out and about

2 responses to “Sunday in the Park with Pablo

  1. Joan

    Looks like a good time was had by all.

  2. Looks like good times were had by all. Great pictures!

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